Sunday, February 2, 2014

MP 12th Board Timetable 2014 | Madhya Pradesh Board

Hello students, in this post we have provided details on Madhya Pradesh Board Exam timetable 2014 for class 12. So all the students are requested to download this timetable from our educational blog. All the best to all the students how are going to appear for MP 12th Board Exam 2014-15.

Madhya Pradesh Board Exam Time Table 2014 (12th Grade)

Sr. NoDayDateSubject
1Saturday01/03/14Special Language Hindi
2Tuesday04/03/14Second Language (General): Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Marathi, Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Bengali, Gujrati,Telugu,Tamil, Malayalum, Arabic, Persian, French, Russian, Kannad & Oriya
3Wenesday05/03/14Indian Music
5Friday07/03/141. Drawing & Desinging 2. VOC
6Monday10/03/141. History, 2. Physics, 3. Bussiness Studies, 4. Ele of Science& maths useful for Agriculture, 5. Drawing And Painting, 6. Home Management, Nutirtion and Textile
7Tuesday11/03/14Special Language Marathi
8Thrusday13/03/14Informatic Pratices
10Wenesday19/03/141. Geography, 2.Chemistry, 3. Crop Production & Horiticulture, 4. Still Life Design, 5. Antomy Physiology & Health, 6. VOC
11Saturday22/03/141. Political Science, 2. Animal Hus. Milk Trade. Poultry Framing & Fishery, 3. Element of Science, 4. History of Indian Art, 5. Bussiness Economics, 6. VOC
12Monday24/03/14Higher Mathematics
13Tuesday25/03/141. Sociology, 2. Psychology, 3. Agriculture (Humanities Group), 4. Home Science Foundation Course, 5. Environmental Education and Rural Development + Entrepreneurship (VOC)
14Thrusday27/03/14Special Language English
15Friday28/03/14Book-keeping & Accountancy
16wenesday02/04/14Special Language Sanskrit
17Thrusday03/04/14Special Language Urdu
19Saturday05/04/14Language Special :- Punjabi, Sindhi, Bengali, Gujrati, Telgu, Tamil, Malayam,& Kannad